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A Twist On The Traditional Office Party

December is here and as we’re diving into the festive season have you made your office Christmas celebration plans yet?

The Impact of Traditional Office Parties

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the annual office Christmas party. Traditional work Christmas parties have been focused around alcohol and after hours, late nights out, leaving people feeling tired, stressed and burned out by the time Christmas arrives. There is often a feeling of obligation for many to attend work nights out. People want to be part of the team but often don’t really enjoy going out. Late-night drinking, loud music, and the pressure to socialise in crowded spaces can leave introverted or health-conscious employees feeling overwhelmed and disconnected.

The Changing Landscape of Workplace Culture

Maybe the office Christmas party has had its time. There has been a shift in people’s thoughts around drinking and there are many people who would prefer an alternative way to celebrate. In recent times, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of mental and physical health, and what better way to celebrate the season than by fostering a workplace culture that prioritises the wellbeing of its employees?

Embracing a Wellness Approach

Companies can send a powerful message about their commitment to the holistic wellbeing of their employees, by infusing the office Christmas party with wellness focused activities This approach aligns with current workplace trends and also creates a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Here are a few ideas;

Wellness Workshop

Transform your office by organising wellness workshops. Consider bringing in experts to lead sessions on mindfulness, meditation, or gentle yoga. Create dedicated spaces for activities like aromatherapy, massage, or even quick desk workouts. This alternative approach not only addresses the physical aspects of wellbeing but also provides employees with valuable tools to manage stress, both during the holiday season and beyond.

 Volunteer Day

Spread the holiday cheer by organising a day of giving back to the community. Whether it’s volunteering at a local food bank, organising a donation drive, or participating in a community event, contributing to a good cause fosters a sense of purpose and unity among team members. This not only strengthens the bonds within the team but also provides employees with a meaningful and fulfilling way to celebrate Christmas.

Christmas Craft Day

Tap into the creativity of your team by hosting craft sessions. Set up crafting stations with materials for making tree decorations, handmade cards, gingerbread houses or wreaths. The process of creating together encourages teamwork and camaraderie, and brings out the competitive spirit in everyone. Add to the crafting with a secret Santa to add an element of surprise to the festivities.

Outdoor Adventure

Escape the confines of the office and embrace the power of the outdoors. Plan a day of adventure with activities such as hiking, team-building exercises, or even a friendly sports competition to get the heart pumping. Fresh air and physical activity not only contribute to overall wellbeing but also provide a welcome break from the sedentary office routine. Ensure that activities are inclusive, accommodating varying fitness levels to ensure everyone can participate and enjoy the day. Could finish off with a luxury hot chocolate to get warmed up.

Foodie Delights

Host a festive cooking class or food tasting event with delicious non-alcoholic beverages and treats. Go for festive Afternoon Tea or invite an expert chef to guide employees in creating Christmas themed dishes and drinks. This not only promotes a sense of community but also encourages healthier choices, creating an environment where everyone can indulge in the joy of good food without the need for excessive alcohol consumption.

 A Board Game Evening

In a world dominated by screens, consider organising a tech-free evening of mindful celebration. Create an atmosphere that encourages personal interactions by implementing a ‘no phones’ policy. Provide board games, puzzles, or other group activities that bring genuine connections and laughter. This approach not only promotes wellbeing but also allows employees to unwind without the distractions of emails and phones.

Comedy Night

Laughter is a powerful stress reliever, and what better way to incorporate it into your Christmas party than with a comedy night? Organise a night at a comedy club. Alternatively, bring in a professional comedian or encourage team members to showcase their comedic talents. Laughter has the benefit of promoting mental wellbeing and creating a festive, light-hearted atmosphere.

Nurturing a Culture of Wellbeing Beyond the Party

While the alternative Christmas office party ideas mentioned above are fantastic ways to celebrate the season, it’s crucial to extend the focus on wellbeing beyond a single event. Here are some strategies to promote a culture of wellbeing in the workplace throughout the year:

Flexible Work Arrangements

Consider offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours. This empowers employees to better balance their personal and professional lives, reducing stress and promoting overall wellbeing.

Mental Health Support

Provide access to mental health resources and support, such as counselling services or mental health workshops. Creating an open and supportive environment reduces the stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourages employees to seek help when needed.

Health and Wellness Programs

Implement wellness programs that promote physical health, such as regular office massage sessions, fitness classes, healthy eating initiatives, or access to gym facilities. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind, and these programs can be effective in preventing burnout.

Recognition and Appreciation

Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team members. Recognising achievements and expressing gratitude fosters a positive work environment, boosting morale and job satisfaction.

Learning and Development Opportunities

Invest in the professional growth and development of your employees. Providing learning opportunities not only enhances their skills but also demonstrates your commitment to their health and wellbeing.

A New Tradition of Wellness

Here at Urban Wellness Company, we bring the spa to you. We are based in the North East of England. Therapists will bring the spa to you. A variety of treatments can be offered such as massage, facials, manicure, pedicure, Indian head massage. With varying treatment times, the option is yours to choose. This will leave your staff feeling relaxed, revived and de-stressed.

As we celebrate the Christmas season and mark the end of another year, it’s important to recognise the importance of employee wellbeing. By steering away from the conventional office party norms and embracing alternative, wellness focused activities, you not only create a memorable experience for your team but also contribute to a healthier, more inclusive workplace culture. This year, let your office Christmas party be a reflection of the values of your organisation – team work, creativity, and the wellbeing of every team member. Cheers to a joyful, refreshing, and alternative festive season!