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Office Massage- create a wellbeing culture employees will love

corporate office well-being chair massage

Desk Massage

No booking required as the therapist will go to each employee when they are available. There is minimum disruption.

This usually lasts 10 to 15 minutes per person

Get in touch

The massage therapist relieves tension and works into any knots in the neck back and shoulders

Fully clothed massage using a massage chair that cradles the face and supports the body.

Amazing results with no fuss

Invigorating massage techniques are used to leave employee’s feel refreshed and re-energised

Chair massage takes place in an area of the office or a separate room

This usually lasts between 10 to 30 minutes.

Fully clothed massage using a massage chair that cradles the face and supports the body.

Get in touch

The massage therapist relieves tension and works into any knots in the neck back and shoulders

A massage bed is available for longer sessions.

Oils are not used for chair massage so there are no worries about people with reactions or allergies. Employees are ready to get back to work feeling invigorated and revived.

Increased motivation and job satisfaction

Chair massage is an effective way to reward staff. It also creates a positive atmosphere in the workplace, where employees feel valued, supported and relaxed

Improve Workplace Culture

You can change your work place culture by encouraging health & well being, this will increase morale and reduce staff turn over

Reduces stress & anxiety

Anxiety can affect employee mental health, massage helps alleviate stress and improve their well-being

Prevent Injuries and Pain

Massage can help prevent injuries by improved range of motion, flexibility, circulation and reduced stiffness


The cost is £38 per hour

Recommended four people to be treated per hour for a desk or chair massage however this can be adapted to your requirements

If you have any special requirements we can create a package for you

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